
What to do when you FEEL like you CAN’T KEEP UP

The world feels like it’s moving faster than ever. Constant innovation, pushes for productivity, frequent and ever changing data, thoughts forever fill our minds and feelings of overwhelm can come on suddenly, without warning and can be increasing difficult to work through. Here are some tips to help cope with a fast paced world.  Try these to help slow down and manage strong emotions: Listen to Music: Music has a profound effect on our mood. In a different article we discussed how sounds can be used to change our brain chemistry and ultimately alter our moods. Listening to soothing music

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SUGAR DETOX 101: A How To Guide

Simply put — Excess sugar is detrimental to your body. Secret is out, sugar can be as dangerous – as it is delicious.  From Inflammation, Obesity, Diabetes, Tooth Decay, Heart and Neurological Diseases sugar is one macro nutrient you should be monitoring in your diet. Not all sugar is created equally.  Sugar is a form of carbohydrate and comes in various forms: Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose and Lactose.  Glucose and fructose are simple sugars, or monosaccharides. These sugars – when found inside fresh, unprocessed foods – are the easiest for our bodies to digest. They are high in fiber and do

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How are you feeling today? Really? Truly? Take a breath, and for a moment allow yourself to feel everything. Did you have a hard day? A tough life? Are you overjoyed with something extraordinary that happened to you today? Are you excited for the future? … Or are you petrified of what tomorrow might bring? Most of us have been taught to completely close ourselves off from analyzing our emotions or the sensations of feeling. We’re told “they get in the way”, that they “stop us from completing the tasks at hand”, or that “It’s selfish to be so focused

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Healthy HAIR: A How To Guide

Everyone craves a head of thick, healthy, lush, long locks. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your hair goals! Let’s begin. “If you want it to grow, let it go.” Tyra Banks 1. Frequent ‘Dustings’ Frequent, monthly trims are a must for your dead ends. “Trims are designed to shear off the oldest part of the hair shaft before it becomes dry and brittle, which is when it is most likely to split.” says one stylist at Salon Invi “That split can run up the length of the shaft and effectively ruin most of the

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A Simple Solution to LIVING in a MODERN WORLD

“Nature does not hurry, and yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu Modern Society has taught us to feel immense guilt for being anything less than productive. The pressure to constantly preform, coupled by the fantasy of perfect lives entangled inside our social media feeds can lead us to feeling stress, anxiety and depression. One strategy for overcoming the unnatural routines of our present lives is so simple: Live life slowly. Take Time. “Before I began practicing the art of moving slowly my thoughts ran rampant inside my mind; there was no controlling them. Every task I preformed I would aim to get

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