Enslaved to PRODUCE and CONSUME.

"When one is not busy consuming all that has already been produced, one should be laboring to produce for others to consume."

Humans have been enslaved by a system: Produce and Consume.

When one is not busy consuming all that has already been produced, one should be laboring to produce for others to consume. 

33% of a human’s life has been dedicated to their profession. For the majority, that one third of life spent working will only supply enough for basic human needs.

Compounded with the effects of product obsolescence, our journey of creation will never be upheld. Products that we consume are meant to break, medicine needs to be taken for life, and our food is void of any real nutritional value. 

How can humans be coerced into dedicating so much of their precious earth time to structures that ultimately only want them to fail? 


★ If you could do anything on earth, what would it be?
★ When are you most happiest?
★ In what ways would you improve upon capitalistic society?
★ Why do humans with more, always need even more?
★ Should all humans have access to Food, Water, Shelter, Health, Financial Security, Love, and a sense of Pride? Or is that still only for the select few who climb their way to the top?

References Gettsyburg

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