
At-Home DIY Protein Mask for Dry, Damaged, Frizzy Hair

Looking to instantly hydrate your not-so-luscious locks? This at-home DIY protein mask is made with ingredients you most likely already have inside your kitchen. This mask aims to strengthen and repair damaged hair, exfoliates the scalp to promote hair growth, and adds healthy fats and vitamins to make hair softer and more manageable.  With only five ingredients, this at-home DIY formula is cost effective, environmentally friendly and made from only quality, natural products.  Eggs Eggs are rich in protein, which can help strengthen and repair damaged hair. Yogurt Yogurt contains lactic acid, which can help exfoliate the scalp and promote

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Understanding the ART of SELF REALIZATION

Self-realization is the process of gaining a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world. It can involve discovering and fulfilling one’s potential, and finding meaning and purpose in life. There are many different paths and approaches that people can take to achieve self-realization, and what works for one person may not work for another.  How can you work towards Self Realization? Engage in introspection and self-reflection: Take time to think about your values, beliefs, and goals, and try to understand what is most important to you. Practice mindfulness: Focus your attention on the present moment and be

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Is there such a thing as TOO MUCH COMPASSION?

Compassion literally means “to suffer together”.Etymology: The Latin root for the word compassion is pati, which means to suffer, and the prefix com- means with. Compassion, originating from compati, literally means to suffer with. The connection of suffering with another person brings compassion beyond sympathy into the realm of empathy. Compassion involves feeling another person’s pain and wanting to take steps to help relieve their suffering. The word compassion itself derives from Latin and means “to suffer together.” Compassion differs from other emotions like Sympathy, Empathy and Altruism which relate more with understanding a persons perspective with careful attention to kindness.

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LEARN to GAS yourself UP

“Insecurities plague every human — set your fears aside to unleash your own unique gifts” ELLE F. Our own magic shines through the accumulation of courage and confidence. When we fully trust ourselves, we’re able to deliver our gifts to the world, healing and optimizing all around us. 1. Be your own cheerleader It’s time to stop seeking or expecting outside validation. Your thoughts and feelings about yourself need to be what ignites your motivation or self-confidence. Confidence comes from within. 2. Embody the power you want to become. You need to learn to feel the energy you want to

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How are you feeling today? Really? Truly? Take a breath, and for a moment allow yourself to feel everything. Did you have a hard day? A tough life? Are you overjoyed with something extraordinary that happened to you today? Are you excited for the future? … Or are you petrified of what tomorrow might bring? Most of us have been taught to completely close ourselves off from analyzing our emotions or the sensations of feeling. We’re told “they get in the way”, that they “stop us from completing the tasks at hand”, or that “It’s selfish to be so focused

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Healthy HAIR: A How To Guide

Everyone craves a head of thick, healthy, lush, long locks. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your hair goals! Let’s begin. “If you want it to grow, let it go.” Tyra Banks 1. Frequent ‘Dustings’ Frequent, monthly trims are a must for your dead ends. “Trims are designed to shear off the oldest part of the hair shaft before it becomes dry and brittle, which is when it is most likely to split.” says one stylist at Salon Invi “That split can run up the length of the shaft and effectively ruin most of the

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A Simple Solution to LIVING in a MODERN WORLD

“Nature does not hurry, and yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu Modern Society has taught us to feel immense guilt for being anything less than productive. The pressure to constantly preform, coupled by the fantasy of perfect lives entangled inside our social media feeds can lead us to feeling stress, anxiety and depression. One strategy for overcoming the unnatural routines of our present lives is so simple: Live life slowly. Take Time. “Before I began practicing the art of moving slowly my thoughts ran rampant inside my mind; there was no controlling them. Every task I preformed I would aim to get

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Meditation and Mindfulness and creating waves around the world. Once believed to be nothing more than spiritual ‘woo-woo’, science has finally been able to keep up with these ancient practices, proving to a modern world how beneficial time honored traditions can be. A ‘Body Scan Meditation’ is a quick and easy way to hone into our bodies, which can help melt away physical tension, while maintaining a more relaxed state of being. “Body scan meditation is a good way to release physical tension you might not even realize you’re experiencing. Body scanning involves paying attention to parts of the body

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Mornings are rarely easy, and when they aren’t — we definitely don’t take them for granted. Whether we’re short on sleep, or wake up to a sea of emotions ranging from: anxiety, sadness, loneliness and fear it’s nice to have some gentle tactics to combat the morning blues. Let’s jump right into the daily habits you need to incorporate in your morning routine: 1. Sunlight The human body is very intelligent, and naturally raises and lowers certain transmitters throughout the day to preform tasks. In the morning, your body has very low Serotonin, a sleep chemical (that also controls your

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