
BURNING Boundaries: A Ritual of LIBERATION

Along side Earth, Air, and Water, Fire is often regarded as one of the classical elements. In many magickal systems, for many generations, fire has been a symbol of Transformation, Energy, Purification, Willpower, Destruction, Rebirth, and Spiritual Illumination.

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NEUTRALIZATION through Mental Transmutation

We are living in the age of information and the importance of learning to transmute our mental and emotional planes cannot be overstated. Our minds are constantly responsible for filtering a enormous barrage of content—from articles and conversations to videos and media —that demands massive reserves of attention and processing power. When left unchecked, an overwhelming influx of intellectual ‘rubbish’ infiltrates our subconscious, influencing our thoughts and shaping our conscious and unconscious awareness. Using wisdom passed down by the masters of the Hermetic Order we can use their Universal Laws, as elucidated by the Kybalion in 1908, to serve as

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History of Lilith Lilith is a complex character and has been deeply rooted in Mythology as far back as Mesopotamia. Like most powerful females, Lilith is often portrayed as dark and demonic, though if we dive deeper into her lengthy lore — there is a elaborate labyrinth of tales to tell. In Jewish Folklore Lilith rebelled against male subservience. ; for this she was condemned and cursed. Known as a seductress who would prey on men she is known to be wild, untamed and the feral nature of the feminine.  In Astrology, she is a main principle calculated from the

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