
NEUTRALIZATION through Mental Transmutation

We are living in the age of information and the importance of learning to transmute our mental and emotional planes cannot be overstated. Our minds are constantly responsible for filtering a enormous barrage of content—from articles and conversations to videos and media —that demands massive reserves of attention and processing power. When left unchecked, an overwhelming influx of intellectual ‘rubbish’ infiltrates our subconscious, influencing our thoughts and shaping our conscious and unconscious awareness. Using wisdom passed down by the masters of the Hermetic Order we can use their Universal Laws, as elucidated by the Kybalion in 1908, to serve as

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The Power of ENERGY and The ALL

Everything is energy. All around us are subtly vibrating particles of matter. Nothing is ever at rest. That is the nature of the universe. It is the nature of mind to speak. When we are trained to slow our thoughts we can begin to tune ourselves to the subtle voice of Source. The energy which moves through All.  When you tune into these subtle vibrations you can begin to transmute and transform your own energy; working along side source as a co-collaborator.  When you begin to align your frequency with that of source, your physical body begins to shift. You

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